Deep Archive Alteration Detected

entry header: Napoleonic Wars, 1799-1815
entry created: 0527, 25810930
last edit: 0527, 28810930
encryption key: blackfog delta39 TEF standard ******a2, reroute 63.TS.wnet.sub

>NOTIFYING memoryintegrity.Q.widernet
>NOTIFICATION REJECTED BY SPAMBOT meminteg.widernet, build 7.2

It's as I thought; privatelog entries aren't private on the Passenger. I've noted at least half a dozen accounts pry into that entry about "Gwin" and our next moves. With luck that'll put them off the scent for a few cycles. Future field testing reports and other sensitive intel will be deposited in deep info storage here - the archivist on this whacked place is a halfbyte; so hopped up on Gen-Cola mixed with illegal depressants that I don't think he could find his own wetware, let alone an altered entry from the Ancient History d-banks. Just use your head and keep up on the Fact of the Week.

Stage one of the testing is complete - you were exactly right. The Genomic Webbing Integrated Network prototype is fully repairable by standard neurotechs. The yutzes didn't even know what they were fixing, but Gwin was back up much sooner than you expected. Much longer than I'd have preferred, but at least the Passenger isn't a boring hole-in-the-web like some of my postings. Some colorful auras around here.

And speaking of auras, the modded AuraGen you equipped Gwin with is working so far - no questions. They did ask where our "unusual" augs were from, but they let drop without much effort. All the officials here are really dull - truth, the archivist is the most interesting one of all the greys. Once you get into the unofficial sectors of the Passenger, though...well, I'll leave that for the next drop. Too much data in one of these ancient history pages and even that blazer of an archivist might notice.

In the meantime, send me everything in the TEF d-base you can about the Passenger. There are way too many mysteries in this place. As long as it's not classified, you can send them to the Blackfish addy, otherwise use a remote dump here. Per orders, will begin stress-test of Gwin in unfamiliar, cybernetically hostile environment. Have heard of a pseudovirus that might do the trick. Blackfog out.


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