Assignment Log 2447


I have given up hope that the Siphon is going to find me out here. My writing in this log is two-fold: It is mandated by the FLA that we record abnormal mission status, of which this definitely qualifies. The sub-station on Targol-5 typically picks up these records after a few months as well, so I am praying to any gods that are listening they will find these.

Everyone on this damn station seems so neutral and functional. Almost as if they are robots. As I sit here drinking my Gen-Cola, which tastes like Gwakii piss, I have the strangest feeling I am being watched. I felt it first yesterday when I was touring the lower levels of the station looking for weapons. A shadow at the corner of my eye, faint footsteps that are in perfect cadence with mine. Maybe I'm just going crazy, but I will have to watch my back.

Targol-5, if you are reading this message, I may already be dead. This station needs to be investigated thoroughly; something is seriously f*cked up here.

--Entry terminates at 1546

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