detect signal degradation, engage frequency buffing
message as follows:

from: Blackfish.Q.widernet
to: passenger.em.widernet.sub

Thank deus my request for a widernet account went through in time, otherwise we'd be completely mute out here. We lost engine containment and barely had time to vent; even so it fused most of our systems. We have a plug in the breach but I'm not sure how long it'll hold. Several of my crew and my companion are severely hurt, I hope you have a burn specialist in there. I'm still not sure this is getting through, our main dish got fried in the accident and most of our permissions were on that frequency. All that's left is the backup dish and we can't get through to anyone but the widernet so I hope someone's watching this feed. We're still on course thanks to inertia but I hope your docking web is strong, I'm not going to be able to slow her down on approach. We should be there in an hour. Until then we can only wait but PLEASE have your med staff ready, Gwin needs help bad. I can pay.

1 comment:

Peter said...

to: wnetadmin.q

We're about an hour out, and thank you.

callsign: Blackfish
pilotid: tef.ag.84661511.xp
ship alias: Vanyr
ship class: corvette
shipid: TEF.934902278.XME